Monday, March 11, 2019


All hardworks have it's own fruit. All we do will lead to something good even if the situation is too hard for us  to handle so we must give all of our all to surpass this challenges. This is the way we can achieve and reach our goals and dreams in life.

       As a grade 10 student, it's a relief that we are slowly getting near to our destination. It's not easy because of the challenges we've been through but also, because of those obstacles we learned to stand whenever we fall, learned to listen to the advices and opinion of others,correct our wrongs, we learned to be stronger and many more that lead us to where we are standing right now.

     As the days passes by we are getting excited for the day we will step up. We are really thankfull for the lessons you teached us. We will sure apply it in our everyday life and for all those teachers and classmates we hang out with and for the whole span of the school,thank you for all the wonderful memories. This is bot the end but the start of our new journey.


All hardworks have it's own fruit. All we do will lead to something good even if the situation is too hard for us  to handle so we must give all of our all to surpass this challenges. This is the way we can achieve and reach our goals and dreams in life.

       As a grade 10 student, it's a relief that we are slowly getting near to our destination. It's not easy because of the challenges we've been through but also, because of those obstacles we learned to stand whenever we fall, learned to listen to the advices and opinion of others,correct our wrongs, we learned to be stronger and many more that lead us to where we are standing right now.

     As the days passes by we are getting excited for the day we will step up. We are really thankfull for the lessons you teached us. We will sure apply it in our everyday life and for all those teachers and classmates we hang out with and for the whole span of the school,thank you for all the wonderful memories. This is bot the end but the start of our new journey.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

117th Foundation day

     Ilocos Sur National High School is celebrating their Foundation Day annually. It is the most awaited occasion in the whole school year. Different activities are done to celebrate Ilocos Sur National High School's Foundation Day.

     The 117th ISNHS Foundation Day was celebrated last March 1-2, 2019.The first day of the event was consumed for the Coronation Day, wherein the new king and queen are formally crowned, and also the 1st to 9th princes and princesses are recognized. As the second and most awaited day arrives where all the grade levels will perform also with the teachers participating it was so fun and so tiring and enjoyable

     The Foundation Day was filled with fun, excitement and joy. It is the time of celebrating the founding of our school so we must treasure it every time we celebrate it and  that became our second home. Aim High, Fly, Soar. Ilocos Sur National Highschool.

Friday, March 8, 2019

Dream! Until Your Dreams Come True....

Image result for dreams
          We are all different from each other but there is one thing that He gave to all of us. And that is to dream. One of the amazing things that we can do is to have the unquenchable desire to have dreams for a better life and future. but most of all, it doesn't end in  just dreaming but also we have the ability to pursue those dreams and achieve them. Best examples of this are the children that get fascinated by the things they see and every now and then they aspire to achieve them as they grow.
I'm one of them, counting every step I made in reaching my dreams in my journey.

Image result for dreams           One, Two...For me, dreams is one of my so many reasons and inspiration to continue. No matter how hard and impossible it is for others, I still do everything , my best to pass every challenges that may come. Three, Four.... Life will never be easy, it's for you to make things easier than it supposed to be. It's your decision on what or which path you'll walk through. Five, Six... You'll never reach anything by just depending on your instinct in every decisions you're making. Patience, faith and hard work should always be your partner. Learn to value every single minute and the things that surrounds you. Seven, Eight... Experience is the best teacher. Mistakes are normal but be sure to learn something and correct it before it's too late. Nine, Ten...I'm sure my Dreams will shine.. Acceptance and forgiveness are your weakness but also your strength in  every challenges you are facing.This is used in your moving up. I'll count again but I'll remember every lessons I've learned.. 

         Everyone of us have the right and power to dream and reach those dreams.. Whether it's possible or impossible , hard or easy, simple or complicated, never stop to dream. Never think of the obstacles, because in obstacles you'll learn, you'll love your dream more. Just continue dreaming until you reach it.  I maybe tired of all the challenges but I'll do everything to keep me going even if I'm already drain. And in One, Two, my dreams will finally come true. 

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