Sunday, July 15, 2018

Darkness Beyond It's Beauty

          Philippines is a beautiful country. It has many amazing islands and tourists spots that will surely make you feel like you are in a so called "paradise".But as the old people say, "All Beauty has it's Own Darkness". I'll ask you a question, do you even know what is Independence Day for? And do you also know why do we need to celebrate this kind of event?
Image result for independence day philippines       
        Our country Philippines is rich in different kinds of minerals and different kinds of useful resources that we use in our everyday life. Maybe the reason why other countries colonized our country. Filipino citizens experience too much pain,insults and they even became slaves . Many Filipino sacrificed themselves, their time with their family and everything they have just to ensure the safety of the other individuals. Innocent people died in trying to give the freedom that other foreign countries failed to give us. They colonized our country and the people that are living here for a very long time.
           Those sacrifices of our people didn't go in vain. We got our freedom from those terrorists. And for the memory of our great heroes we celebrate "Independence Day" every month of June 12. This is to show our most gratitude to our beloved heroes who sacrifices their lives. And as we all know, 21st century is more on technologies now. We also celebrate this event to educate children and teenagers what had happened long time ago. To tell and show them how important this event because it symbolizes the freedom of this country, our freedom from those foreign. 

         This mirrors everything of the Filipinos past experiences. The dark past that no one ever wanted to happen again. An unforgettable  memory that we will always remember and treasure. And for me Independence Day also means that All beautiful things have their own darkness and in darkness there will always be light.
