Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Dear Mr. President

July 24, 2018
Calaguip, Caoayan
Province of Ilocos sur

President Rodrigo Roa Duterte
Office of the President
MalacaƱang Palace

          Good day Mr. President, i know being the President of the country is very hard and stressful for you having different kinds of problems in and out of our country is definitely a burdensome for you, as a student i want to tell you how thankful and grateful i am for all the thing you've done to our country of Philippines

          When you were still campaigning for the position of the president you said that one of your projects is to stop or remove drug addiction. I adore you for saying that because this drugs can damage one's self and life, taking drugs also leads a person to hurt another person and do something that is unacceptable but Mr. President with due of respect i'd like to ask something are the killing involved in your projects?because there were no days that reports said no one died in the operation of our security forces, people are dying neither pusher,user or innocent police officers reasons is that they fight back, i am not criticizing you Mr. President but i jus want to say that everybody deserve to have a second chance and we have all the rights to change.

          We all make mistakes and people who lost their right path, this is one of their biggest mistake but we cant just throw our judgement on them we can atleast help them correct their wrongs. Send them to rehabilitations, do activities, therapies and etc. I believe that death penalty will never be a result to any problem

         But all in all i want to send my gratitude to you because i believe theat you are one of the greatest leader of filipino people in terms of decisive and possesing political will. I hope you continue what you've started and also hope that you'll be able to see what really needs improvements in the matter of human rights. This is for the continuos peace and for the betterment of our entire filipino nation

Respectfully yours


Reni M. Valenzuela

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