Thursday, February 7, 2019



         In your life you should not depend, you should not wait, you don't just sit, wish and hope! You should think and act things out .
Image result for image with someone taking the lead
Image result for image with someone taking the lead     We all say "I want some change", " same old things" and what-so-ever. But the thing is we don't give an action, we are contented and satisfied of plain complaining, plain judging and throw so much blame to others mostly to our officials. Why can't we think of a way that will help and give benefits on us and at the same time making improvements to our society.  We can't just depend and wait others to do something for all of us because while we're waiting , the problems are getting bigger and worst.  We NEED to start thinking of a solution and do something. But you can't lead someone if you can't lead yourself. If I want change I should start in myself. I should know the value of everything, love and care everyone, show respect and have discipline.  I should show other people how to take the lead for them to know what to do. I'll inspire and encourage others by showing them simple things to help solving even the smallest problem we are facing because I believe "it all starts in you".

    Unity , realization, and discipline is what we all need but we are lack of these. Again, we should not depend , we act. We should not wait for others to move and take the lead instead we should lead our selves so that you can lead other people as they follow you.

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