Wednesday, February 6, 2019


     "Changes", the only permanent thing in this world. Everything change, everyone change whether you like it or not. Sometimes this is for their own happiness and wants and sometimes it's for others

Image result for girl with sunrise        2019 has come, another year another chapter of my life. Last year was cool but not too good because of the challenges I've been faced and experience that i know, will be continue in this year. I want to take this chapter of my life happy, lightly and peacefully. I'll make every seconds to be memorable with my friends, family and classmates as this serves as our last school year together. I'll value them, everyone and everything that come along, I'll show my love and care for others always. The only thing is that, I wont to face it with the old me; hard-headed, impatient, negative thinker,lacks of confidence, and stubborn. I want to start my New Year with the new and better me.

       Change is not bad if you only choose to change yourself with a good intentions not just for yourself alone but also for the people that surrounds you.

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