Wednesday, August 1, 2018


     Nutrition month is celebrated every month of july and every year it has diff. Theme to educate people about the advantages of eating healthy and nutritious foods that can give our body. This year 2018, the the is "ugaliing magtanim sapat na nutrisyon aanihin" what do you think is the main message of this theme?

     Nowadays, people are to busy on their own work and business. We cant even give ourselves a little time to relax and do something that can give happy activities and benefits to us. Example of this is planting. Planting is a culture to every filipino but as the time pass by, this activity is already slowly fading. So these year, we could like to empasize the great advantage of having our own garden even a small one in the backyard of our houses. Having vegetable planta are very helpful to us consumer because it will lessen our expenses in providing our daily food that we buy in the market. This can serve also as our exercise from our very hardwork and stressful days. It may be hard for all of us to exert it to our hectic schedules but we have to thick that small sacrifices can have a big and good results or outcome. We just need to gradually do it and im very sure that planting vegies little by little will lead us to make it as a hobby.

     A qoute says"all of the flowers of all the tommorows are the seeds of today" these means that we need to start giving attention and value in planting healthy foods or value agriculture ecause without this our country will never develop and our needs will never be provided..


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