Monday, October 15, 2018

Coming Together with those Furthest Behind Build an Inclusive World of Universal Rights and Dignity These 2018 theme of UN for me, courages many individuals to help each other to create healthy community and environment and also countries by creating a universal rights. Coming Together with those Furthest Behind Build an Inclusive World of Universal Rights and Dignity.

Coming Together with those Furthest Behind Build an Inclusive World of Universal Rights and Dignity. These 2018 theme of UN for me, courages many individuals to help each other to create healthy community and environment and also countries by creating a universal rights. Coming Together with those Furthest Behind Build an Inclusive World of Universal Rights and Dignity

There are many people that are being descriminated based on their physical aspects and status in life. Based from my understanding, this is one of many examples that we can relate to this theme. That we should learn to cooperate and help each other to equally receive and give the rights that we all really deserve even if we have different status in life, different religion and race. And with this we can freely receive our freedom and rights, and we could take care our own dignity.

       We, everyone of us is encourage to create a world full of love, equality, and peace. Respect is one of the key to totally make it real.Coming Together with those Furthest Behind Build an Inclusive World of Universal Rights and Dignity

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