Saturday, October 20, 2018

Learn and enjoy

Many days have pass, many lessons have been learned. Almost everything stayed in my mind. Second quarter is remarkable because we really had fun.

This quarter, every lesson is easy to understand and really enjoyable. We learned another lesson that really catch our imterest. HTML is one of our topic. We did many activities like, puting different types of stand alone tags and container tags. We learn how to put colors in every word and also the background using the notepad. It's hard to put the start tag and the end tags of a word/s but it's really enjoyable because for me this is some what challenging because you need to finish all the assigned task in 1hour. We wanted to stay and continue our activity even if we're late to our next subject that is because we really like this topic.

Lessons should be really taken seriously I know, but sometimes we, students will remember it easier when we enjoyed and had fun with our lessons. It is not bad to enjoy sometimes but make sure that we know our limitations and we'll learn something with our lessons not just purely playing.

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