Saturday, October 20, 2018

Learn, Love and Cherish.

We go to school to learn and experience new things and make friends with others. We meet different teachers that really tries to teach us all the things she or he know even if we students sometimes aren't listening. They're sharing their knowledge to us and with this they're hoping, that all of us could reach our goals in life, to be the dream we ever wanted in the future. All the things and knowledge they shared and continuously sharing to us will be the key for us to be what we wanted to be.They have been there for us, they teach us many things, they guide us in every decision and teach us what is good and bad, what are does and does not. We've been cherish love by them since we were kids until now. Sometimes they get mad or even angry to the things we do because they know that those things won't do good to us, that is what I've been experiencing since I met my first ever teacher when I was still in Kinder and my present teachers.

Teachers is our second parents. They care and love us all no matter what . Let us all give gratitude and show them how much we love them every single day. Thank you my teachers. Happy teachers day.

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