Saturday, December 22, 2018

All we need is equality and unity for the betterment of our society

     We all grew up in different ways and in diff. Situations. We have different status in our lifes, different families and different characteristics. We are all different to every one in our surrounding but it doesnt mean we have different in receiving rights.

     Our society is not yet that open with the things that are happening some of us say "we are forgeting our natural law", few says"its okay because you are just bein yourself" theres a big issue about gender descrimimation and inequality since then. Descrimination between men and women wherein men only have the right to work, study and serve the country. Women stays only in the house that is because their parents believe that women will just marry and be a house wife no work no study no rights at all isnt it unfair? Women and men are the genders that god gave us but still dont have the equality and unity what about the other genders that is slowly showing up. We all know about the LGBTQ group, they are the people who are trying to show who they are and what they really feel they trying to be true to everyone but why cant everybody understand them why cant we just accept and respect them for who they are there are so many problems and issues here in our country yet we are focused still in these things, why cant we let them live in the life they want and why cant we treat them as the same way we treat your gender look at your surroundings  its so complicated because we are creating things that shouldnt be created. We keep judging them and we cant see the best in them and cant see their true value and share in our society learn to respect each other because we have different families religions and etc we are all humans that needed to be respected and be cherish

     Equality unity easy to say but hard to do forgiveness, acceptance and respect easy to say but hard to show we must put in mind that true is nothing easy and living your life these are challenges we need to face, people we need to understand and society we must accept, accept because life is difficult but also put in mind that we have different genders we should have equal rights, respect and we should be accepted because gender has nothing to do in our skills and knowledge and personality. We should help each other despite our differences

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