Saturday, December 22, 2018

Essence of Christmas

     This is the time wherein we forgive, we celebrate/unite with our families and relatives we enjoy we share and we show love and most especially this is the time we thank him for arriving in our life. We celebrate and we worship this day for this is the day he was born Day of Christmas.
     Every Christmas we give gifts we prepare foods and we do many things in celebrating this kind of occasion we have different styles and techniques use sometimes its one of my hates this is because i feel it like boring and have complicated subjects. Some of te teachers believe too much that you can do anything that they didnt know youre trying so hard just to reach their expectation but sometimes we fail and we are doing everything but still its not enough but what can i say? Ilove them for doing that cause i realized i can do my best, i can do things that i know that i cant even if i know its impossible still they push me to do so

     Dont give limits to yourself, dont look on the negative sides of the challenges that is given to you instead look to its brighter side studying might be hard but in the future this will be the only thing permanent and will never be stolen everything happens for a reason

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