Sunday, January 6, 2019


     In studies there will always be a hard time because studying will never be easy when you are lack of time

     In life there is nothing easy when it comes to achieving it. Kid, teenage and adult will have these experience hard times that can make us so down on studying is like my favorite one to do sometimes i find it annoying this is because im feeling that the subject is boring and have some complicated lessons some of the teaches believe that you can do anything because you are on the ssc program that they didnt know they are trying so hard to reach your expectation but sometimes we fail and we are doing everything we can do but what can i say i love them for doing that even more cause i know that i can do my best and do the impossible  even though i know that i cant do it they still pushed me

     Dont give limits to yourself dont always look to the negative side of the challenge that is given to you instead look on its brighter side studying might be hard but in the future this will be the only thing permanent and will never be. Stolen..Everything Happens for a reason

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