Wednesday, August 29, 2018



           Our country is said to be a "Disaster Prone Country" because of its location which is in the Pacific Ring of Fire. We experienced and continuously experiencing many disaster that put many lives in danger and destroy our properties in  just one swift. But now we should learn to be ready in every disaster that may come here in our country because we don't know what can this disasters can take away from us.

        Low Pressure Area. This causes floods in different regions. We can avoid further damage that may occur when we are all prepared. prepared by means of having a plan before a disaster will come, having a survival and emergency kit that you can use during and after a disaster. We need to be observant and attentive on what is happening around us and in our environment. But most important  in this times is to be calm for you to be able to think wise on what to do and what is not.Also, never forget to help other people in the middle of disasters.
    We all know what happened in Tacloban almost 5 years from now. Typhoon Yolanda washed and stole all their houses, properties and lives of many individuals. This may happen to all of us because of being unprepared and somewhat being careless. This month of August 2018, we are experiencing a continuous falling of heavy rain because of the successive arrival of typhoons. This Typhoons were in the outside of our country that causes the strong rains

         Our country may be a "Disaster Prone Country" and we are sometimes not prepared in all of those disasters but the most important thing is that, we Filipinos know how to stand, help each other, be strong, smile and laugh despite of all the tragic and disastrous things that had happened. And this is how we face disasters.

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